Personal Injury Law Blog

Five things you should do after a slip and fall accident

Five things you should do after a slip and fall accident

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, from parking lots or walkways to supermarkets or restaurants. Not only can they be painful, but they can also leave you feeling disoriented and confused about what to do next.

The steps you take after a slip and fall accident can make all the difference in getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries. It is important to gather evidence in order to establish the facts of the case and prove that the property owner’s negligence caused your injuries. Here are five things you should do after a slip and fall accident:

1. Get medical treatment. See a doctor as soon as possible even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Some injuries such as bruising, brain injuries and internal injuries may not be apparent until later. Additionally, medical records can serve as key pieces of evidence if you file a claim.

2. Report the incident. Inform the appropriate personnel at the property such as a store manager, landlord or security guard. However, do not volunteer any information beyond what is strictly necessary. Fill out any required forms and make a written report of the accident. Obtain a copy of it.

3. Document the accident. Collect the names and contact information for all potential witnesses. Their statements could be helpful later. Take photos of where you fell as well as any conditions that contributed to your accident, such as puddles or stairs. It is also useful to have photos of your clothes, shoes and any obvious injuries. If you are unable to take photos, ask an accompanying friend or bystander to help out. Jot down specific, detailed notes about the accident while it is still fresh in your mind.

4. Do not give statements. Avoid posting any information linked to your fall on social media as it could undermine your claim. Decline to provide your insurance company with a statement until you have talked to an attorney. Your words could be used against you. Do not place or take any blame.

5. Contact a personal injury attorney. Slip and fall accidents can be complex and challenging to prove. An experienced Chicago personal injury attorney can help protect your rights, gather evidence to support your claim, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and obtain the compensation you deserve.

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