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Walking safety: five common causes of pedestrian accidents

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Walking safety: five common causes of pedestrian accidents

Most pedestrians understand the risks they face when crossing intersections and walking on streets. However, sometimes a pedestrian can get hurt in an accident even after being cautious, following all traffic signals and using crosswalks. Pedestrian accidents can result in serious injuries or death, even in collisions that involve slow-moving vehicles. Here are some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents:

  1. Distracted driving and walking: Smartphone usage has surged over the years, creating problems for both drivers and pedestrians as they take a person’s attention away from the road ahead. Other activities such as listening to music and eating can also distract you from your surroundings.
  1. Not using crosswalks: Pedestrians should always use designated crosswalks whenever possible. A lack of pedestrian infrastructure can lead to accidents. If there is no sidewalk or crossing signal available, walkers do not have a way to travel safely.
  1. Reckless driving: Driver behavior such as speeding or drunk driving can lead to pedestrian accidents. When drivers travel too fast, they have a hard time coming to a stop upon seeing pedestrians. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs affects a driver’s ability to make good judgements and react quickly to road hazards.
  1. Improper left turns: Making illegal left turns causes a significant number of pedestrian accidents. When entering the opposite lane, the vehicle may not see pedestrians crossing the street. Walkers also may not see turning vehicles.
  1. Poor visibility: Snow, rain and other bad weather can create dangerous driving conditions. Additionally, driving on dark streets with inadequate lighting can make it difficult for motorists to spot pedestrians. To reduce their chances of being in an accident, pedestrians can wear bright colors when walking at night.

You may still have a claim for compensation even if the cause of your pedestrian accident is not listed above. Contact Briskman Briskman & Greenberg to learn more. We can help you determine who is at fault for your injuries.

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