Personal Injury Law Blog

How brain injuries occur during birth

Injuries to a baby’s brain can occur during or shortly after labor and delivery, as a result of three main categories of cause: reduced oxygen, reduced glucose and trauma.

A baby in the womb gets its oxygen from its mother, as the mother’s oxygenated blood flows across the placenta and through the umbilical cord. If this flow of oxygen is interrupted during the labor and delivery process, serious birth injuries can occur. This can be caused by a rupture of the uterus, umbilical cord compression or premature abruption of the placenta. If the medical professionals attending the birth fail to deal with such complications immediately, the infant’s brain may be damaged.

A lengthy or difficult labor can reduce the amount of glucose in the baby’s blood. It is important for a baby’s glucose levels to be checked immediately after birth. Failure to correct low glucose levels promptly is a common cause of injury to an infant’s brain.

Trauma during labor and delivery can also cause injuries to a baby’s brain. Improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors can cause damage to the brain through cerebral contusions, cerebral bleeding and the tearing and stretching of brain tissue and blood vessels.

If your child suffered a birth injury, contact Briskman Briskman & Greenberg for a free consultation.

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