Personal Injury Law Blog

What types of evidence can help after a workplace accident?

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What types of evidence can help after a workplace accident?

When seeking workers’ compensation in Chicago, it is the employee’s responsibility to provide the necessary documents and evidence supporting their benefits claim. Notifying your employer about your work-related injury is the first step to starting a workers’ compensation claim.

In Illinois, you must immediately report the workplace accident to your employer, preferably in writing. Your employer may also ask you to fill out an accident report. Provide as much detail as possible, including when and where the accident happened, the injuries you sustained, and what symptoms you are experiencing. A common reason workers’ compensation claims are denied is not enough detail in accident reports. Obtain copies of all reports as they can be used as evidence in disputed claims.

It is important to go see a doctor right after your accident. In order to have a successful claim, workers need to prove that their injury was directly caused or worsened by the workplace accident. Medical records demonstrate that you were injured and contain information about the treatments you received during your recovery.

You should also hold on to various employment records as employees must provide evidence of their employment on the date of the incident. Documents such as paystubs, copies of performance reviews or written letters of employment can demonstrate that you had an employer-employee relationship at the time of your work accident.

Witness testimony is another type of useful evidence. Make sure you keep detailed notes containing information about anyone who saw your accident. They may be able to provide a statement or testify later to help establish the facts of your case.

Gathering the correct types of evidence is just one step in filing a successful workers’ compensation claim. If you have been injured in a work accident, contact an experienced Chicago attorney who can represent you throughout the entire process. If you were hurt in a workplace accident, contact Briskman Briskman & Greenberg to learn more about the possibility of pursuing compensation for your injuries.

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