Personal Injury Law Blog

Obtaining workers’ compensation for repetitive stress injuries

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Obtaining workers’ compensation for repetitive stress injuries

Many workplace injuries are the result of a one-time accident like a fall or an equipment mishap. While injuries from such accidents tend to be obvious, there are other on-the-job injuries that can develop over time and may not be visible.

Repetitive stress injuries occur when the same movement is performed over and over again during an extended period of time. Some examples of repetitive stress injuries are carpal tunnel syndrome, back injuries, strained muscles and nerve compression. They can be just as painful and debilitating as injuries sustained in one-time accidents.

Employees across many different industries fall into a pattern of doing the same motions every day as part of their job duties. Repetitive stress injuries are commonly reported among factory employees, construction workers, typists, mechanics, drivers and others. Injured workers may have difficulties performing simple movements or carrying out their daily job duties. In some cases, they may suffer temporary or permanent disabilities.

Repetitive stress injuries are covered by Illinois workers’ compensation laws, as long as an individual can show that their injury is work-related. Unfortunately, proving that an injury occurred due to the specific demands of a job can be challenging in some cases.

If you were diagnosed with a repetitive stress injury related to your employment, speak to the knowledgeable Chicago workers’ compensation lawyers at Briskman Briskman & Greenberg. We will protect your interests and help you obtain the benefits you deserve. If your Illinois workers’ compensation claim has been denied, we can advise you of your legal options.

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